Tsunami damage – Santa Cruz Harbor
59′ Steel crab vessel “Phyllis J” stranded at Francis State Beach in Half Moon Bay
58′ Steel crab vessel “Pacific Gayle” stranded on Usal Creek Beach north of Fort Bragg
91′ Shrimping vessel stranded on Zmudowski State Beach 3 miles north of entrance to Moss Landing
60′ Steel Bottom Dragger aground on rocks 1 mile south of the Noyo River
38′ Wooden Crab boat aground on rocks 1/2 mile south of Pigeon Point Lighthouse
38′ Trawler with 28 people onboard stranded and holed on Little Alcatraz
Airplane crashed in Redwood City Lagoon, killing 3 people
Spirit of Sacramento Dec. 2016
33′ Pearson on 10 mile beach
Raising a boat in Aquatic Park in San Francisco
Patio boat stranded on the Pit River in Shasta County August 2020